
Rebekah\\\'s Missions Stories

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Hello, it’s Rebekah! I made it to Georgia for training! I miss you all, and I’m already missing home, but these past two weeks have truly been revolutionary.  

I could easily write pages and pages worth of the things I have learned, seen, or experienced in the past two weeks. …. Instead, here are some quick updates of my life 

in the muggiest place I have ever lived:

  1. Georgia is muggy. Really, really muggy. Like a wet blanket kind of muggy. Truly, after being deprived of feeling cold for a week and a half, sweater weather and a hot cup of raspberry tea is actually life-changing. #corememoryvibes (Note: It’s a high of 74ºF today, and I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am)
  2. While I have not adapted to the weather, I eventually got used to going to the bathroom in a porta potty and drinking water that tastes like dirt.  
  3. Furthermore, bucket laundry isn’t that bad. In fact, it’s especially fun when I am wearing an ankle-length skirt (because the rest of my clothes are dirty), and I’m able to pretend I am an old-timey, hardworking farm-woman, chatting with all the other women in my village. By the way, bucket laundry is that bad when it rains on the hang-drying clothes so that they smell moldy…
  4. On another note, tents come with a footprint for a reason…
  5. I am also learning that God is really, really, overwhelmingly good. I am forever amazed by how powerful and mighty He is. Spoiler alert: God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He still wants to move (and still is moving) in great acts of healing and revival and prophecy and clamorous celebration; He is still dumping His Spirit on his followers. 
  6. Moreso, I am awestruck about how gentle He is. He sits with me in my lowest and messiest points, and He sits with me in cool, quiet mornings. I am left dumbfounded by the depths of His love.

Here is just a small glimpse of my life from the past few weeks. Before I sign off, I want to thank all the people that supported me, financially or through prayer so that I could stand here today; I would have never made it here without you all. I ask you to please pray for my community here and the people we are soon going to be ministering to. 

p.s. Check out my super cool new World Race instagram account! @rebs.doyle.wr



“…I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” ——Psalm 23v6b